November Runner of the Month: Sara Cohen
Our very own past President jumped into NBR during Berlin Marathon training back in 2018, craving a crew to run with. She’s worn many hats—from Team Captain to President to even writing these blogs! These days though, you can find Sara Cohen leading Monday Night Easy Runs.
When she’s not with NBR or training for the London Marathon, she’s deep in the world of Disney's streaming platforms, geeking out over all things Marvel.
Back in high school, Sara kicked off her running journey with track. Half marathons are her jam, but those marathon moments? Golden. She’s got favorite routes around NYC, a quirky pre-race pasta superstition, and running, for her, is all about discipline and pushing limits. Though for new runners, Sara’s advice is to stick with it, get comfy shoes, and pace yourself.
Known for her fountain of knowledge (literally!) about NYC's water stops, she’s all about community love and give major props to NBR for making her term as President truly special.
When did you join NBR and why?
I first joined NBR in 2018 while training for the Berlin Marathon. At the time, none of the friends I had were really into running or racing, which can make training feel even harder. I had run a few marathons in 2016 and 2017 with NYRR Team for Kids, but really wanted a community to make some "running friends". I had met James King at TFK and he suggested I come along to NBR, and the rest is history!
In what ways have you been involved with NBR?
I just finished up 2 years on the NBR Board where I served as Team Captain and then President! I've also at one time been the web coordinator and a social media coordinator. Now you can find me as one of your Monday Night Easy Run leaders!
What do you do when you're not running?
Professionally, I work on Disney's streaming platforms in product marketing. Hit me up if you want to talk about the Marvel universe at all. I'm also in the market for some more hobbies with my new free time, so if anyone has any suggestions for me.
How did you initially get into running?
I've been running since high school actually. I did both winter and spring track, which is probably where I get my love of running in the cold. After a 4 year running hiatus during college, I was trying to figure out how to get into exercising again and realized the only thing I really knew how to do correctly was run. A friend convinced me to do a 10K with her and that reignited my love of racing.
What is your favorite race distance?
The half marathon! It's not as cruel as a marathon and you can usually have a bad race without totally ruining your day. However, I think some of my fondest race memories are during marathons so I might have to rethink this stance...
Best running memory?
There are so many but I think running down Bedford Avenue during the marathon this year has to take the cake. I was darting from side-to-side trying to see all my friends, family and NBR teammates who were there cheering. I had to keep my sunglasses on because not only am I smilling, but I also couldn't stop but tear up every time I saw someone I knew.
Favorite running route in NYC?
There are so many but my OG running route that loops around the bottom of Manhattan still gives me so much joy. An out and back to Brooklyn Bridge Park does take a close second.
Any running-related superstitions?
I'm only allowed to have pasta with tomato sauce the night before a long run or race or else the run will go terrible. It's not true but I've convinced myself of this.
What has running taught you or changed about you?
I've learned a lot about discipline and accountability. No one is going to go out there and log the miles but you. But I've also learned a lot about being able to do hard things, even when you don't think you can. No matter what's going on, if I tell myself "this is easier than running a marathon", somehow it makes me feel better.
Favorite post-race food?
Bagels, pizza, mac and cheese, usually in that order.
Favorite song to run to make you want to run?
New York, New York by Frank Sinatra (usually following a loud cannon boom, IYKYK)
Favorite running social media account?
NBR obviously.... but Laura Green always gives me laugh too.
What do you think is the worst part about being a runner?
Have you heard about bruised toenails...
Best advice to running newbies?
Don't give up! What might feel like climbing a mountain one day will get easier over time. Slow down and don't get caught up in your paces. Also, go get fitted for proper shoes (see above answer).
Monday Night Easy Run Leads
Current running goal?
I'm lucky enough to be running the London Marathon this spring, and I really want to get through a good training cycle without injury. Doesn't matter what happens during the race, I just want to get there feeling happy with the training I put in.
Any other fun running facts about you?
At one point I knew where all the good water fountains in Manhattan were that stayed on all winter long. Unfortunately my main fountain is in a construction zone right now and Strava has them all listed out on the map which kind of steals my thunder a bit.
A personal note if you made it down this far - I just want to thank everyone in NBR for making my time as President so special. It has meant the world to me to have your support during this time and this club wouldn't be as wonderful of a community without all of you. So once again, thank you!